March 10, 2019
Passionate Pursuit Sunday Morning Session – Speaker David Wagner
David Wagner is known for his passion for Jesus Christ and his love for people. He is recognised as a relevant and accurate prophetic voice that God is using all over the earth today. He uses his prophetic gifting to empower, equip, and encourage people to discover their destiny and identity in Christ. Dave has a huge heart of mercy and carries a special grace to meet people wherever they are at in life. He is passionate about reaching the lost, healing the hurting, and restoring the broken through the powerful word of God and the demonstration of the Holy Spirit. David has had the honour of leading tens of thousands of people into a real relationship with Jesus Christ. Through his ministry many people have experienced true freedom from bondage and disease through the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit. Dave uses his personal life experiences, testimony, and sense of humour to encourage and minister to people from every walk of life.